2022 Carnegie Conference Sessions

2022 Carnegie Conference Schedule


Day 1

Rohit Bhargava, Keynote

Non-Obvious Marketing

Crystal Washington

Nurturing Relationships in the Hybrid Age

In the face of unprecedented world events, too many recruitment marketers adopted a "hunker in the bunker" mindset to give prospective students and their parents space. But not you! You understand the key to long-term recovery and growth is nurturing relationships. In this interactive session, technology strategist and futurist Crystal Washington will demonstrate innovative ways you can sow seeds that will mature to create a massive impact. In this session, you will:

  • Understand the do's and don'ts of recruiting when stress levels are in the red

  • Identify strategic methods of rocking your personal brand using social media

  • Learn creative ways to transform yourself from mere provider to superhero in the minds of prospective students during times of uncertainty

  • Discover and implement tech tools to bring your current students, parents, alumni, and prospects from "What now?" to "Wow!"

Katie Martell

Woke-Washed: Seeking Allyship in Higher Ed Marketing

We are living, and marketing, during a time of immense social change. Modern civil rights movements for women’s rights, LGBTQ equality, sustainability, and racial justice are no longer taboo subjects, “off limits” for organizations. Now, a majority of consumers are looking to buy from brands that align with their values and beliefs—and higher education is no exception. How can marketers navigate these changing waters? This session from “unapologetic marketing truth-teller” Katie Martell will cover:

  • 5 ways “woke-washed” marketing carries real-world risk

  • Examples of campaigns that co-opt social movements and those that help

  • What role marketers play in ensuring brand stewardship

Voltaire Miran, mStoner

Web Governance Strategy, The Key to Smart and Sustainable Relaunches

Just as large-scale web redesign projects rely heavily on strong content, design, and technology strategy, sustainable success requires governance. Web governance spans centralized and decentralized roles and responsibilities, content classifications, tools and training, standards and policies, review cycles, and data-driven decision-making. In this session, we'll examine each of these areas and share best practices from institutions that have implemented web governance successfully as part of their redesign process.

John Farrar & Kylie Raven, Google

What Does 2021 Mean for Education in 2030?

8:00–8:45 amBreakfast8:45–9:00 amWelcome to the 10th Annual Carnegie Conference!9:00–9:45 amOpening Keynote
Rohit Bhargava: Non-Obvious Marketing

9:45–10:30 am
Crystal Washington: Nurturing Relationships in the Hybrid Age

10:30–10:45 amSnack Break10:45–11:30 am
Katie Martell: Woke-Washed: Seeking Allyship in Higher Ed Marketing

11:30 am–12:10 pm
Voltaire Miran: Web Governance Strategy: The Key to Smart and Sustainable Relaunches

12:10–1:15 pmLunch1:15–1:50 pm
John Farrar & Kylie Raven, Google: What Does 2021 Mean for Education in 2030?

Education no longer has the luxury to simply speculate on the upcoming year. The tectonic shift of the last two years has demonstrated why we must look five, 10, even 20 years ahead to build for the future. What can we learn from tumult and disruption? How can education come out better for it? Google's Director of Education John Farrar will share insights from third-party research and partnerships across the industry on how the value proposition of the learning institution must evolve as students become savvier and more outcome driven. In this conversation, John will illustrate how education can:

  • Elevate curriculum design and empower credential stacking

  • Enhance the classroom and create unique learning experiences

  • Expand access by investing in more robust digital infrastructure and functionality

Rick Clark, Georgia Tech

Hopes for the New Year

“We are all on the same team,” is easy to say but often not how our day to day work on campus actually feels, particularly in the middle of a pandemic. This session will provide on the ground insight, practical tips/goals, and most importantly hope for improving relationships with your enrollment partners, as we seek to serve our campus and prospective students.

Tyler Borders, Carnegie

Using Psychometrics to Understand Yourself, Your Campus, and Your Students

Breakout B: Changes to the Prospective Graduate Student Journey. Tim McCarthy, LinkedIn and Jaime Oleksik, Carnegie

Accelerated by the pandemic, the “Great Reshuffle,” and other factors, the demand for Lifelong Learning is growing. How should education marketers approach this new landscape? Join us as we examine the impact the shift to online education has had on the competitive landscape, the demand for degree and non-degree programs, and how student behavior has changed. In this session, we’ll dive into updated trends, benchmarks, and survey data from Google, LinkedIn, Carnegie and more – all focused on the prospective grad students we’re needing to reach, engage, and enroll. From student search behavior and social media activity, to changing options surrounding data privacy, audience access and reach, and segmentation and personalization, this session will lean on the most up-to-date and reliable data and resources for your recruitment planning. We’ll also share practical strategies for applying these insights to your enrollment efforts today and takeaways to help you thrive in future times of rapid change.

Ted Magdzinski and Jeremiah Tudor, Underscore

Engaging the Funnel: Search Through Enroll

Learn how to engage your students where they are in the funnel through customized communications and the most interactive, dynamic, and personalized portals.

Ben Arendt, Carnegie

Optimizing Your Marketing and Enrollment Ecosystem

Vying for the valuable commodities of attention and engagement from prospective students is a hyper-competitive and often elusive proposition. Those enrollment and marketing leaders striving to make a disruption to achieve optimal outcomes have affirmed an important recognition that there are multiple ports of entry through which students choose to engage with an institution. As a result, the traditional, linear funnel model of strategic enrollment management is losing relevance. This presentation will outline how the intersection and integration of market-centered strategies—managed through an enrollment and marketing ecosystem—will lead to increased familiarity, stronger reputation, sophisticated and tactical fulfillment, and measurable engagement.

Megan Robinson and Jim Rogers, Underscore

Qualifying the Funnel: Search Through Enroll: Slate experts

Learn how to develop a strategy to score your prospects, inquiries, and applicants based on behavior metrics to quantify student interest, then utilize these scores for the most efficient counselor outreach and targeted recruitment practices.

Day 2

Tamsen Webster

Make Your Ideas Irresistible

Now more than ever, it's important for your message to be heard. But is it strong enough to withstand whatever is thrown at it? Is it strong enough to stand out from the crowd? With over 20 years of working on the big ideas of individuals, organizations, and higher education, Tamsen Webster has learned a thing or two about the things that make ideas last. And she's discovered that there are key measurements you can take to test if your message is built to last. After this keynote, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand the difference between your message and your idea

  • Identify key metrics to help your message stand out

  • Test the strength of your message

  • Develop the story people will tell themselves about your message

Oli Gardner

Marketing IQ

Session details to come

Matt Gerien

The Power of PR: Aligning Your Marketing and Earned Media Strategies

You’ve done your market research, you’ve designed your next campaign, you know what will drive results—layering on a public relations strategy will take your plan to the next level. Whether you're sharing a story of student success or weathering a crisis, you need to communicate with your values first. In this session, we'll discuss how to align your enrollment marketing strategy with your institution's earned media work.

Kailyn Rekos and Daniel Cunningham, QS

New International Recruitment: A Post-Pandemic Strategy

This breakout session is designed to help inform institutional strategies and tactics to win in international recruitment in a post-COVID-19 setting. We'll present data and insights on diversifying away from China into new markets, how students feel about returning to study overseas, and how those students make decisions.

Ken Higgins, Technolutions, and Jon Cherry, Miami University

Technolutions on Student Success

This session will dive deep into leveraging Slate for Student Success straight from Technolutions experts themselves.

Charles Clark

Adversity Makes You Stronger

With each level of success, there's a higher degree of commitment involved and a lower threshold of excuses. Learn how to handle the magnitude of your responsibilities by doing the little things that matter. Charles’s real and empowering presentations impact tens of thousands each year. With a personal message, energetic delivery, and experience as one of the fastest men in the world, Charles will guide you on a SELF-HELP journey to find clarity, master habits, and channel the confidence to thrive. In this empowering and motivating session, you will learn how to:

  • Let go of fear

  • Increase your resiliency to drive success toward big goals

  • Redefine habits to avoid cognitive dissonance

  • Better manage your time

  • Pivot to a more confident and aware self

  • Accept the uncomfortable process of success

  • Connect to a purpose-driven life rather than an emotion-driven life

  • Own your life without excuses

  • Create genuine relationships to help you reach success faster

Accessible Post Conference

Bonus Virtual Accessibility Content

Reach Every Student: 5 Ways to Make Your Marketing More Inclusive with Accessibility: Kelsey Bronski, Perkins School for the Blind

Inclusion in higher education is not a new idea. In fact, for decades you’ve been tasked with diversifying your student body. While inclusivity is top-of-mind, students with disabilities (1 in 4 US adults) are often overlooked by our digital marketing efforts.

This not only excludes prospective students, it's counterintuitive to your DEI goals.

Join this session to learn quick tips to improve the accessibility of your digital marketing and demonstrate to prospective students that your school offers an inclusive experience.

Bonus Virtual SEO Content

Using Search Data to Reach Prospective Students Long Before They Reach Out to You: Stacey MacNaught

More than 140,000 searches are made on Google in the US each year for "What should I major in?" And there are thousands of other ways in which your prospective students are searching long before they get to the point of applying anywhere for anything. Deciding what to major in or which grad school to attend are some of the biggest life choices students make. And as with anything, hundreds of thousands of students turn to Google for advice. In this session, Stacey will talk about accessing vital data on how undergraduates and graduates are using Google to make a decision about where to apply next and how to use that data to reach your next applicants earlier in their decision-making process.