The College Board Student Search Service® Consortium Agreement 2020-2021

By participating in CollegeXpress, you are agreeing that you are a member of the Carnegie Dartlet Consortium.

Eligibility Requirements

All Consortium Members and the Consortium Lead must renew this Search Consortium Agreement annually.

The Lead will provide a copy of the form to each member, collect the signed forms and return them to College Board Search Customer Service by December 31, 2019 to participate in the 2019-2020 Search year.

The Search Consortium Lead must provide an exact rendition of the intended communication along with the most recent communication, if any, before Search orders will be fulfilled. This must be included in the package of completed forms.

Each Search Consortia Member account must be current – i.e. not more than 120 days past due – for the Search Consortium account to be approved or activated. If one member is past due more than 120 days, the member account and the Search Consortium account will be inactivated.

Usage Requirements

The Search Consortium Members must be promoted equally within the body of each communication to Search prospects.

Search Consortia may share student names with Consortium Members only if their initial correspondence permits the student to specifically elect to receive additional information about those Members. Subsequent correspondence must also comply with Search Acceptable Usage policy.

Search Consortia can use Search only to identify students they want to recruit and tell about their educational and financial aid opportunities.

Information provided by Search may not be used to discriminate against potential applicants based on race, religion, creed, national origin,age, sex, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, veteran status, or a disabling condition.

Before creating a Search, Search Consortia Leads are required to sign this Search Use Agreement. By signing the agreement, Search Consortia Leads assure College Board Search that their member organizations will use the student data they receive in strict compliance with the College Board Search guidelines, and that they respect the agreement the College Board made with the students who voluntarily consented to let Student Search Service send their data to Search users. Clicking the “Accept” button when ordering online acts as the Search Consortia Lead’s signature.

Search users will use Search data exclusively for educational and non-commercial purposes and limit their use of Search data to disseminating information about admission, financial aid, and special academic programs and opportunities.

Search users will not disclose Search data to third parties for any commercial purposes at any time, neither student names from their original Search output, nor the names of students who respond to their correspondence.

Search users will not use Search data to conduct market research.

Search users will keep Search data confidential.

Consortium Name: The Carnegie Dartlet Consortium

Member Institution Name: As listed on your order form.
You are not acting as Consortium Lead.

By signing your Carnegie Dartlet CollegeXpress order form, you are agreeing to all terms listed above. As a Search Consortium Member, you have read and agree to comply with the above eligibility and usage requirements for Student Search Service names licensed by the Consortium.