Higher Education Marketing and Enrollment Strategy

The power of human connection.

Carnegie is the future of higher education marketing and enrollment strategy, and has been since 1985. We connect colleges with students through the power of human connection by measuring and then marketing to a student’s unique behaviors and motivators. This leads to action, enrollment, retention, and lasting affinity.

Missouri Online Case Study

Delivering Like No One Else Can

Our approach is built on an unrivaled psychometric methodology. By integrating rich, proprietary data with powerful psychological insights, we develop communications and strategies that forge the right connections and inspire targeted action.

We’ve solved it. And we will solve it for you.


Our Solutions. Your Success.

Carnegie works as an extension of your team, providing you with single-source access to exactly what you need to get where you need to be.



Our Services. Your Certainty.

We offer best-in-every-class services that meet your every need from beginning to end—all tailored to fit you, perfectly.


Our Work. Your Growth.

We could say our work speaks for itself, but that would be a lie. The results do. For client after client, we deliver on every promise we make.



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Illustrated flavor image for the blog "Transforming Website Content With Audience Insights"
Enrollment Management | Oct 11
Today’s internet users want more than generic landing pages and irrelevant pop-ups. They expect a digital experience tailored to them. In fact, Adobe’s Definitive Guide to Web Personalization reports that over 85% of website visitors expect personalization as part of their online experience. By leveraging audience data, you can serve content and experiences that feel strikingly relevant. 
Flavor header for the blog "Email Deliverability in Slate"
Slate Optimization | Oct 02
As schools weigh the pros and cons of taking Search in-house, the topics of email deliverability and sender reputation are bound to come up in conversation. And for valid reasons! Both email deliverability and sender reputation directly impact the success of your campaigns, and they’re incredibly intertwined with each other.
Carnegie News | Sep 20
Carnegie, a leading higher education marketing agency, is now a Meta Business Partner, signifying our knowledge and expertise on the platform. Find out more!
Illustrated hero image for EnGauge Scores product feature blog
Product Feature | Sep 19
Welcome to the future of student recruitment and enrollment (and maybe even retention and advancement?)! Carnegie’s EnGauge Scores are here to transform your entire approach with our unique pairing of expertise in Slate and quantitative modeling, leading to improved accuracy and student-level insights. Let’s dive into how EnGauge Scores are setting a new standard in engagement analytics and driving enrollment success.
Web Design + Development | Sep 18
It’s a common refrain when higher ed marketers approach content strategy for their institution’s website - “my priority content can’t require more than three clicks or the user will lose interest.” The three clicks mentality in web design goes back decades and the dogma hasn’t become less powerful with age. In the attention economy, where a TikTok video that doesn’t compel fast enough can be swiped away in an infinite scroll, it feels more urgent than ever to capture site visitor’s attention, and fast.
Digital Marketing | Sep 16
In today's digital age, higher education institutions face increasing competition to attract prospective students. While many higher ed marketers wonder if they should focus on  Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns or Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the truth is that you should consider an integrated Search Engine Marketing (SEM) strategy combining the strengths of both tactics.
Maximize Your Higher Ed Website with Incremental Updates that Drive Results
Web Design + Development | Sep 11
In today’s higher education landscape, your institution’s website is more important than ever. As the primary gateway to your college or university, it often serves as the first point of contact for prospective students. The experience they have on your site can shape their perception of your institution, whether they are exploring academic programs, learning about campus life, or evaluating financial aid options. This post is the first in a series focused on ways to make impactful, incremental improvements to your website to better communicate your institution’s value and guide prospective students to their next step.
Enrollment Strategy | Sep 09
Find out about graduating seniors' needs, perceptions, and motivations so that your institution can achieve recruitment and enrollment goals. Learn more!
Digital Marketing | Sep 06
Artificial intelligence (AI) can transform paid social media strategies for colleges and universities. From optimizing your audience targeting structure to assisting with creative, social media AI features are popping up left and right. There’s a lot to choose from — so where do you begin?
Digital Marketing | Aug 22
We live in a fast paced world. We’re all inundated with content everywhere we go. Students of today are swimming in content. To avoid getting lost in the sea, you need to produce content to make yourself visible. But students are looking for more than just whatever attracts their interest. As the world is increasingly online, students are looking for content that they authentically connect with.

Tell us how we can help.