Service Line: Slate Optimization
In today’s higher education climate, “student retention” can no longer afford to be just a buzzword on your campus. Institutions are being tasked with looking beyond just making the class, to find ways to both keep students enrolled, and also to help them thrive. It’s a daunting responsibility, especially when folks are already wearing multiple hats and their plates are overflowing – but, Slate is here to help!
In the realm of graduate enrollment management, effective and efficient email communication is paramount. Yet, graduate schools often find themselves grappling with limited resources and bandwidth to develop comprehensive communication strategies. Here is a breakdown of some of the tools and techniques to give your graduate communication campaigns a competitive edge.
Clarity powered by Slate elevates your enrollment and marketing efforts by offering deeper insights into marketing attribution and student behavior. Learn more!
Higher education marketing and enrollment strategy leader Carnegie announced today a pioneering partnership with Technolutions to deliver Carnegie’s Student Search exclusively through Slate. Carnegie now offers two options for campaign delivery: In a client’s Slate instance or a custom-built, Carnegie-hosted Slate instance. Carnegie’s Student Search solution is now accessible to all higher education institutions, regardless of the campus’ CRM of choice.
Carnegie is proud to announce that our talented partners have achieved extraordinary success at the 39th Annual Educational Advertising Awards.
You had questions, and our Slate Squad has answers! Our Slate Optimization team here at Carnegie has 45 Slate Strategists with expertise in areas across Slate; portals, communications, reader, reports, you name it. In our recent Stump the Slate Squad webinar hosted by Technolutions, we had a blast answering your burning Slate questions. Some of our favorites are recapped below. Happy learning and Slate-ing!
If you’re like us, you’re always looking for ways to capture leads more effectively for your college or university and improve the performance of your digital ad campaigns. Here are some things we’ve learned about lead generation utilizing Slate request for information forms!
At Carnegie, we heavily rely on and trust the performance data we see from campaigns in Slate. From underclassman search to senior melt, we love to look at the numbers and let them guide us.
Despite all the data we’re able to collect within Slate, there are still areas in which we want to learn more.
The 38th Annual Educational Advertising Awards honored Carnegie with 38 wins, including one Best of Show and seven Gold awards.
Keeping your team up-to-date on best practices and new features in Technolutions’ CRM Slate. Slate is vital for staying ahead of the curve but, as many Slate users understand, learning to effectively apply the system’s different modules can take time and result in a long list of questions.