CollegeXpress Student Insights Report
The Voice of Prospective Students: What They Want You to Know
What if you could hear what over 6,400 high school students want you to know about their college search process; their experiences with communications, marketing, and websites; and what they’d recommend schools do differently or better?
The CollegeXpress Student Insights report offers unprecedented access to the minds and psyches of your student prospects.
Download the report.

Data highlights.
This survey was created to get a full-picture view of the college search process from all high school levels. Each grade was presented with a similar survey with some questions altered to better reflect where the student was in their college search journey. Questions included free-form entry, multiple choice, and check boxes (“select all that apply” questions). Responses provided both qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS. The 16,500 responses to free-form entry questions were coded and categorized.
of students are searching for schools before junior year
of juniors reported that there were schools at the top of their list that they did not know existed before they started their college search
of students noted that location is a reason why they chose not to apply to a school
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