Higher Education Marketing and Enrollment Strategy

Optimize Your College Enrollment Ecosystem

Carnegie has built a true ecosystem approach to student enrollment, that is market-mindful and student-centric. The days of big-name buys and formulaic enrollment strategy are behind us. Today, intelligent student enrollment is about knowing your prospects and measuring and marketing to their unique motivations and behaviors.

We’ve curated a list of our resources to help you hone the student enrollment strategy for your institution. Access our Enrollment Strategy Toolkit for tips, tricks, and strategies on enrollment and pipeline management solutions.

  • Carnegie has redesigned and redefined Student Search. Our Student Search model is counter to the traditional high-cost, high-volume, low-conversion Student Search of the past. We build Student Search on the student’s terms: when they are ready, where they want to connect, and with messaging that speaks directly to who they are as individuals.

  • Carnegie’s strategic consultation delivers holistic ecosystem strategies that empower you to effectively and competitively position your institution in your key markets and with key audiences. We dive deeply into the details with you to identify what’s working and to optimize your enrollment ecosystem so you can attract, engage, and enroll the students you need.

  • Carnegie offers the most advanced audience segmentation system in the industry to hyper-personalize your enrollment and marketing efforts. Our audience segmentation—known as Darts for its combination of pinpoint demographics and psychographics—positions you to communicate with your prospective student audience in the ways that are most attractive to each segment based on their core motivations and personality traits.

  • We specialize in creating targeted messaging, segmented collateral, and multichannel communication that drives human connection. We’ll assess where you’ve been and identify where you’ll go next. As an extension of your team, we’ll draft blueprints for effective communication flows, design and implement multichannel communications that connect, and refine your operations by integrating with your customer relationship management (CRM) system.

About Carnegie

For more than 35 years, Carnegie has been a leader and innovator in higher education marketing and enrollment strategy, offering groundbreaking services in the areas of Research, Strategy, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, Slate Optimization, Student Search, Website Development, and Creative that generate authentic connections.

We connect colleges with students through the power of human connection. We believe that genuine connection is the key to capturing attention and building affinity. Our core philosophy fuses the principles of human psychology with marketing and enrollment innovation; we measure and then market to a student’s unique behaviors and motivators to create deep connection and real conversation. This leads to action, enrollment, retention, and lasting affinity.