One of the benefits we have working at a company like Carnegie is the opportunity to attend numerous conferences throughout the year, presenting on a variety of topics, trends, strategies, challenges, and successes that we’re seeing and that colleges and universities are experiencing. And there is no busier conference season than springtime. Here are a few of the sessions we’ll be presenting, as well as the upcoming conferences we will be sharing them at.
What Shape is Your Funnel?
X no longer leads to Y, which no longer leads to Z when it comes to inquiries, applications, accepts, and deposits. Prospects today are acting more as “secret shoppers,” entering (and exiting!) the funnel at unpredictable stages and through a variety of channels. These sessions will share ideas, strategies, and take-away actions you can apply throughout the entire enrollment process to identify prospects earlier, improve conversion rates, and drive enrollment.
Data & Digital for Grad—The Game Has Changed
An exploration of how you can marry your own data with digital marketing strategies. Topics covered will include IP Targeting, Google Analytics insight for grad, look-alike modeling, feeder school strategies, and much more—all from the angle of leveraging data you already have access to as a graduate enrollment professional.
- NAGAP (follow #NAGAPlearns on Twitter)
Data & Digital For Transfer—The Game Has Changed
A transfer-specific view of how you can use your existing data with digital marketing strategies. Topics covered include how you can focus online marketing delivery right onto the campuses of your feeder schools/community colleges, as well as IP Targeting, Retargeting, and Google Analytics insight for transfer.
Predicting the Unpredictable—Strategies for Today’s Student Behavior
Prospective student behavior and decision making has changed, and the ability to predict how many deposits will come from your inquiry, application, and accept numbers may have gone out the window. Presented along with Marymount University, this session explores ways to manage the demographic shift and merge grass-root efforts with new technologies.
Surround Sound: The New Way To Find, Recruit, and Engage Prospective Students
Hear how California Baptist University has accomplished more than a decade of double-digit growth, from 2,300 students in 2004 to nearly 8,000 in 2014. Topics include market research, brand positioning, integrated marketing communications, IP Targeting, Retargeting, and mobile advertising.
Data Isn’t Just for Geeks Anymore!
Don’t just say “I think” when you’ve got data to guide you. Today your own data and site analytics are a wealth of information that when tapped into can help drive marketing and recruitment decisions. This session will discuss what data matters and how you can use it to make your future marketing efforts smarter.
If you’ll be at any of these conferences, we hope you can join one of these sessions. But if you aren’t able to attend, we’re always happy to share any of the presentations we’ve put together. Contact us today to receive a copy after any of these conferences are over.