+ Jun 7, 2022 - Jun 10, 2022
+ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Join us at NY State ACAC for an opportunity to build your professional network and experience learning with others who are passionate about the future of college admissions.

Your Dam Website: 5 Reasons Students Aren’t Converting on Your College Site

A website is an institution’s greatest marketing asset. Yet most colleges and universities admittedly have websites that lack in areas essential to converting graduate student prospects at various stages in the funnel. From a lack of visibility in organic searches to content and layouts that hinder user experience, some websites can be more of a barrier than an asset for information and conversion. In this webinar, we’ll identify five potential issues causing your site to function more as a dam than a resource and review solutions to help you transform it into a free flow of accessible information optimized for conversions.



Your Presenter.Your Presenter.

  • Kevin Roane Senior Director, Client Success Persona The Confident and Entertaining Dynamo

    Kevin brings more than 20 years of enrollment expertise to Carnegie. Prior to joining the team, he found success in both undergraduate and graduate admission at Monmouth University. There he earned continuous promotions from undergraduate admission counselor to assistant director to associate director. In his final role as director of graduate admissions, he led a team that welcomed the largest class in school history. His invaluable knowledge makes him an unmatched resource for clients in both undergraduate and graduate enrollments.

    Kevin Roane

    Kevin brings more than 20 years of enrollment expertise to Carnegie. Prior to joining the team, he found success in both undergraduate and graduate admission at Monmouth University. There he earned continuous promotions from undergraduate admission counselor to assistant director to associate director. In his final role as director of graduate admissions, he led a team that welcomed the largest class in school history. His invaluable knowledge makes him an unmatched resource for clients in both undergraduate and graduate enrollments.