Service Line: Student Search
Find out about graduating seniors’ needs, perceptions, and motivations so that your institution can achieve recruitment and enrollment goals. Learn more!
In a recent webinar, our expert panel shared insights into the new “Student Search” and answered your burning questions. Check out this recap and Q&A deep dive!
Carnegie and Unibuddy partner to activate human connection in student recruitment, using the power of AI and peer-to-peer engagement to personalize the college search process and change how higher ed recruits students.
When I sit down with colleges and universities to talk about bringing in the right students, the conversation tends to focus on three big questions: Where should we be looking? Who exactly are we aiming to attract? And how can we get them interested and engaged?
Higher education marketing and enrollment strategy leader Carnegie announced today a pioneering partnership with Technolutions to deliver Carnegie’s Student Search exclusively through Slate. Carnegie now offers two options for campaign delivery: In a client’s Slate instance or a custom-built, Carnegie-hosted Slate instance. Carnegie’s Student Search solution is now accessible to all higher education institutions, regardless of the campus’ CRM of choice.
The landscape of higher education is undergoing profound changes. At a time like this, adapting our processes is key, and we’re taking it one step further by offering a new philosophy for Student Search.
Looking to enhance your institution’s brand strategy? Whether you’re starting from scratch or want to refresh your current approach, our Brand Strategy Toolkit is your essential guide.
As the number of traditional-aged college-bound students decreases, colleges and universities face a dual challenge: competing not only with each other but also with the distractions and constant noise of our ever-evolving digital age. This challenge underscores the critical role of storytelling in enrollment, communications, and marketing strategies.
Carnegie announced today its acquisition of Fire Engine RED’s Student Search service. This move follows Carnegie’s acquisitions of Maguire Associates and Underscore, strategic decisions that brought financial aid strategy and Slate CRM expertise to Carnegie’s modern approach to Student Search.
Student Search is a critical part of any recruitment strategy, and College Board is likely a primary source to build your early pipeline. But there are many changes this year regarding the College Board Student Search Service.