Expanded + Customized Reach

Our database and web traffic are at your fingertips, giving you access to thousands of highly engaged college-bound students searching for higher education institutions like yours. Reach specific audiences with your own customized messaging, or drill down into your exact student profile and generate leads that match your enrollment goals.

Right-Fit Prospects with CollegeXpress Connect

Comb through our database of prospects and filter by intelligent audience segmentation criteria such as gender, geography, intended major, competitor schools, and more. Based on your enrollment goals, you can reach out directly to prospects right in their inboxes with your own custom messaging—dramatically growing the number of engaged leads in your funnel.

Precise Audiences with Premier Placement

Recruit only the most appropriate students with the unmatched power of CollegeXpress Premier Placement. With a 35% conversion rate, it’s the most effective recruiting tool in the industry. Place your creative campaign in the position of greatest impact—in front of an audience cultivated to meet your exact recruiting needs. You can target by gender, GPA, intended major, ethnicity, geography, country, and high school graduation year.

"Integrating CX Connect into our recruitment efforts has significantly enhanced our outreach capabilities. We have successfully incorporated targeted campaigns for specific events and initiatives into our communication flows for prospective students, while also bolstering our broad-based brand recognition strategies. This proactive approach has provided another opportunity for interactions with prospective students, driving strong engagement and generating substantial inquiry through the platform, providing us with another vital tool for communication and connection." Eric R. Young, Ph.D
Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing
Malone University

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