Website Technology Services

The way to break the three-to five-year redesign cycle is to build things that can adapt, iterate, and evolve. Our forward-compatible coding lasts long after you’ve celebrated going live. We can also help you maintain your new site or incrementally improve it by giving you an achievable governance plan or putting a scalable partnership in place for ongoing support.

Technical Consulting

Like any piece of complex machinery, a website needs diagnostic checks and tune-ups. We will help you inventory the functional areas of your website to identify any technical needs. This may include software evaluation for features such as web forms, event calendars, directories, and other tools. We’ll outline the roadmap for the website architecture and help you plan how to implement changes for a successful project.

Content Management Systems

Whether it is your institution’s first content management system (CMS) or an upgrade to a more capable system, a website redesign is one of the best times to take a step back and evaluate your CMS. Selecting a CMS can be a daunting task, but it’s ultimately one of the most important decisions your institution will make. It will set the standard for how content is created, added, and managed. We’ll help you find the CMS that best fits your organization’s needs, and train your staff how to maintain it.

Front-end Development

We build lean and custom HTML from the ground up—optimized for speed and accessibility. We work to optimize page load speed, especially for mobile devices and tablets that frequently utilize cellular data networks with slower speed. We make sure your website performs optimally for your audience, however they access your content.

Web Development

We pride ourselves on creating dynamic websites inside and out. We’ve built hundreds of websites on both open-source and commercial CMS platforms. Your website will be mobile-first and it will bring your brand to life. The backend of your website will be accessible and simple, and we will work with you to ensure your website performs well for years to come.

Site Search

In a recent survey of higher ed professionals, 74% of website visitors reported that site search was one of their top website pain points. To help solve the site search problem, we have partnered with Funnelback to create fully configurable search engines. Funnelback is used by over 150 higher education institutions worldwide, and its Higher Education packaged solution includes faceted navigation, tabbed filtering, search-as-you-type, advanced search, and other options. As visitors increasingly use the internal search bar, you’ll be prepared to direct their query.

SEO-and CRM-optimized, user-driven, mobile-ready, forward-compatible, responsive, accessible, intuitive, and gorgeous? Check.

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